Investigative Voices

Unmasking Climate Propaganda

Lidia LoPinto

What if everything you think you know about climate change is influenced by powerful agendas? Join me, Lydia, as we unravel the complex tapestry of climate change narratives, starting from Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth." Together, we'll scrutinize the mainstream discourse that has been shaped over the years, questioning the motives behind fear-driven agendas. We'll peel back the layers to reveal the political and financial interests at play, and how they may have distorted the real science of climate change. Exploring natural factors like solar cycles and volcanic activity, this episode is a must-listen for skeptics and critical thinkers eager to reclaim their right to independent thought.

This episode stands at the crossroads of science and propaganda, spotlighting the tension that often pressures scientists to conform to preset conclusions. We'll discuss the importance of following evidence without bias and maintaining integrity in scientific inquiry. With insights that challenge the status quo, we'll continue this journey into the heart of climate change narratives in our series, Investigative Voices. Whether you're a seasoned skeptic or just starting to question the established views, expect an enlightening exploration into the dynamics shaping our understanding of climate change.

Speaker 1:

Hi everybody, this is Lydia again and I'm going to be discussing my next book from Investigative Voices. And again, this is a new series of articles, or books, and articles and podcasts related to the topics, various topics that are generally being obscured by the media for political purposes, and I call that action of obscuring or manipulating media. I call that corruption, because people should be able to make up their own minds, you know, able to make up their own minds. You know climate change used to be called I don't know just giving you some background, cause I'm older than most of you it came up with Al Gore. He wrote a book called an inconvenient truth. Okay, it was. It was put on TV and he scared everybody that if we didn't do anything about the carbon dioxide in the big hole in the in the atmosphere, the big hole of um, there was a hole in the atmosphere that somehow they came up with, and they also the carbon dioxide that we were all going to die. It was all going to be. You know, all of our cities were going to be flooded and we were all going to choke to death from the carbon dioxide. Okay, that started the whole situation, but as time went by and nothing flooded. You know, cities did not go underwater and people started challenging this, his book, because the guy was a politician and science was not his major. You know they called it climate change, which is that encompasses everything. It even encompasses the natural climate changes that happened because of the Earth, such as ice ages, okay, and they fed a lot of disinformation over time because their goal was to tax carbon. Which is what could be better than taxing the CO2 that you breathe out and the CO2 that your chickens and your cows and everything, and saying that the cows were putting out so much carbon dioxide and methane from their farts that we needed to tax that or we needed to get rid of those industries.

Speaker 1:

How insane is this? Because you're talking about an earth that has sustained. You know, at one point in our country we had millions of buffalo, millions upon millions and millions of buffalo running around, converting the grasses into methane, poop and carbon dioxide to make animals, and the native peoples lived on this meat for many years. Then the white men came in and got rid of all the buffalo and they actually killed them and started farming cattle, which is the same as buffalo. It's not any different. It's still an animal that's eating and pooping and, you know, creating both methane and carbon dioxide. So for millions of years these animals roamed the earth and somehow we didn't have a climate problem or the climate problems that we had, because we're the animals.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't make any sense climate change, because it's not decided by scientists. Whoever is coming up with this insanity, it's really just political. So here's how we start. They've told you that the debate is over, that science has spoken. They've warned us about apocalyptic scenarios where cities drown and crops wither if we don't comply with their climate agenda. They've built entire political platforms around fear fear of rising seas, fear of warming planet, fear of the future. But what is the fear? What if that fear is a tool? What if, behind the scenes, those pushing the loudest for climate action are more interested in control, power and financial gain? Then they are in the truth.

Speaker 1:

You're here because, like many, you're skeptical. You've watched the conversation on climate has been hijacked by the politicians, corporate interests and media narratives. You've seen dissenting voices silenced or ridiculed. You've questioned why every new climate policy seems to result in more taxes, more restrictions and fewer freedoms for everyday people, while corporations and governments profit off the fear they've manufactured. The truth is that you're not alone in asking these questions and you deserve answers.

Speaker 1:

This book is your voice. It's for the critical thinkers, the people who refuse to accept what they are told without seeing the data for themselves. We're going to pull back the curtain and expose the forces driving the climate change agenda, forces that are not always rooted in science but in power. You'll see how global institutions change to manipulate public fear and tighten their grip on economic freedoms. But this isn't just about politics. It's about real science, the kind that's been buried or ignored because it doesn't fit the narrative. We'll explore the role of natural climate drivers like solar cycles, volcanic activity and ocean currents, forces that have shaped Earth's climate long before human industry ever existed. We'll scrutinize the methods used to measure carbon dioxide levels, uncover the manipulation of data and expose the flaws in the very models that have been used to predict global disaster. More importantly, this book is for those who have been made to feel like outsiders in a conversation they know is far from settled. The skeptics, the questioners, the ones who refuse to be silenced, together will challenge the narrative and give voice to the science that's been cast aside, because this isn't just about climate change. It's about reclaiming the conversation and, with it, your right to think for yourself. This is your chance to break through the noise, see the truth behind the headlines and reclaim the power of skepticism. It's time to question what we've told. It's time to take back the conversation. Okay, so this would be the introduction.

Speaker 1:

The book is now available on Amazon. I think the Kindle is like three bucks. I'm gonna put it on Kindle, where you can get it for free if you belong to that system, and I'm going to put it up on other platforms as well, and there's also a print version, which is also not too expensive. I think it's eight dollars. Print is expensive, but you know if you want to put it in your library or something. But you can go through the book online. You can see a sample of it. For some reason I'm not able to see it here because it's only showing me this piece.

Speaker 1:

So I think that this book is my second in the investigative voices that they are obscuring the information. It's almost impossible if you search for Google to find anti-climate change voices, people that have information that debunks climate change. They absolutely the first few pages you will see on Google are oh, this is all science, this is all proven. All these opposition has been debunked. I'll tell you that even AI was programmed this way, so I couldn't get it to research and every time it came back oh, but this has been debunked, this is climate science. So, being that I own a better version of AI that I can program myself, I told AI that these are questionable science findings. They're also old, because they're about several decades old, and that it's not to come back with oh, this was debunked, or because that's propaganda and not science. So I had to reprogram AI to find the actual data and show it to me and stop telling me that this was all no good. Okay, because all of this data that I uncovered is actually based on science, and there are lots of scientists that have been against this and have been talking about it and have been doing more research. Unfortunately, if you're doing research that doesn't follow the narrative, you're not going to get funded.

Speaker 1:

And one of the archaeologists a very popular archaeologist that has been trying to and this is in the book, by the way he has been trying to look at the cities that are sunken cities all around Europe and all around Asia, even around Americas. He wants to go down there and take a look at these cities and find out what was going on. Find out what was going on. And he's actually got a pretty good explanation of why these cities got sunk. And that was after the Ice Age. They sunk because of the water. Not only the water was released from the ice from the Ice Age, but also the weight of the water sunk these cities. That's what he talks about. He's got several books. I will link his books if you are interested in archaeology, but that's very long reading. But he is an amazing archaeologist and so I talk about these people that can't get funded unless they're peddling climate science propaganda.

Speaker 1:

And some of the scientists are pretty pissed because, hey, you know, this is science, this is not propaganda. I'm not going to peddle your propaganda. The science says you look for something wherever it leads. That's your conclusion. You're not going to just know the answer. You know because, uh, again, you know what I mean, um, so okay, so I'm gonna let you go now and I'll keep posting these because they become part of my podcast. I convert them, uh and um, I'm to end this video now and you will probably see this talk on podcasts. Okay, bye, bye now.