Investigative Voices

Censorship Battles and the Quest for Truth in Appalachia

Lidia LoPinto

Can green energy initiatives be compromising our safety? We unravel the complex and unsettling situation in Appalachia, spotlighting the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) and its controversial allocation of funds. With allegations swirling about essential dam maintenance funds being diverted to green projects like windmills and solar panels, we question the integrity of the infrastructure meant to protect communities from catastrophic floods. The recent shake-up within the TVA board and accusations of media complicity in hiding these issues are dissected, with a call for greater accountability as the threat of congressional investigations looms large. Our discussion casts a critical eye on the lack of effective flood warnings and evacuation plans, challenging the current administration's disaster management strategies.

Navigating the murky waters of social media censorship, we explore the frustrations of being shadowbanned and censored on platforms like Facebook and TikTok when trying to inform the public about these contentious issues. Highlighting a meticulously researched report, we share our unwavering resolve to push past digital barriers and bring these findings to the fore. This episode invites you to join the conversation and access the report through pinned links and on Amazon, providing a deeper look into the intersection of government policies, green energy, and flood management.

Speaker 1:

Hi everybody and, as you can see, my profile is still hosting links to the various flood reports coming out of Appalachia. Mostly they come from TikTok and Instagram. Somehow I don't see them other than links here on Facebook. Now, I don't see them other than links here on Facebook. I finished the report. As you know. It's posted on my account. I also have an alternate account that's really just devoted to the reports. If I'm going to do any more, I don't know, but on my account you have the report about Appalachia and what I found out is horrific.

Speaker 1:

For months and years, people have been fighting about the fact that the TVA was spending money on green energy, such as windmills and solar panels from China millions and instead of spending the money they make out of hydroelectric on improving the dams, which is, by law, what they're supposed to do, they were spending it on Biden and Kamala's green energy plan, buying equipment from China. Whether this equipment was actually delivered or not, or installed, I really don't know. All I know is that they claim they were investing in green energy, which is ludicrous, because hydroelectric power is green energy and it's a domestic source of green energy. Other than that, we will find out that the media has deliberately obscured all information about Appalachia because of the election, and I am not saying this. I had AI analyze all of the articles posted in the last few months during the election campaigns and it concluded that it was deliberately obscuring the truth, particularly the articles that were few. Articles that did appear did not mention the Tennessee Valley Authority or the federal government's responsibilities, or the fact that there were actual lawsuits against the government for not using the monies properly or misappropriating funds to be spent on their pet green projects, their windmills and their solar panels, neglecting dams, infrastructure, and that these dams were running high and to the top for months, not just a couple of weeks.

Speaker 1:

When the rains came, it was months and they could have been draining them early in the season, which they're supposed to do, and people noticed that they didn't drain the lakes and, sure enough, they were topped off. Two weeks before the storm they were topped off. There were articles raising alarms about this, but there was no warning or plan for the residents to evacuate prior to the storm, because they knew that the storm would result in this. There is no other choice. If you have a storm dumping 30 inches of water all at once and your dam is full, it might as well not exist in that water On top of the water you're going to release for the dam in order to save the dam from crumbling Uh, it's going to destroy anything in its path and they knew that. They knew it. Why there was no alarm or warnings, or prior warnings to the towns that their dams were very full and they couldn't possibly drain them in time. That should have happened way before the storm and they should have been evacuated from those areas along the coast. This would have been simple to do, because you would have had the military set up a camp and you would have taken all the people from the shores and moved them out. Okay, of course, people probably didn't want to go, or whatever, but you're going to have to force them because you knew this was going to happen way before. So this is one of many reasons why these floods happened and why they were the result of Kamala and Biden's bad administration.

Speaker 1:

Just to make things worse, in May, when they should have been draining dams, they replaced the entire board of directors of the TVA with their own cronies, people that were pro-green energy. By this you mean lithium for batteries, windmills for electricity and solar panels. They apparently did not appreciate hydroelectric power. We should restore the whole area to the pristine nature that it was. While we still make batteries and process lithium and send pollution along the rivers, nothing makes sense. Hydroelectric power is one of the best types of green energy that we have in this country, of green energy that we have in this country. They were built during the war for flood control and electricity, and the electricity comes from the water. It's brilliant, okay, and many dam systems along rivers in the United States are successfully run by private corporations that lease the land, lease the water, everything, and they managed to run them and repair them just from the monies they get from the electricity, because electricity prices are going up. Okay, okay, why is it that the TVA, run by the federal government, couldn't manage to repair their own dams, couldn't manage to have a warning system for residents, couldn't manage to have an evacuation plan for residents in case the dams were running full during a raining season? Only one town was able to do that. How bad is the federal government at running things? And how corrupt are the federal government to take money from lobbyists in order to purchase windmills from China, instead of spending that money on repairs of the dams which are so badly needed.

Speaker 1:

This is all going to come out because I wrote the report, but all that information is available online. I just put it together. I just put it together. Unfortunately, the media has been obscuring all of this, pretending for people that are uninformed or stupid opened the dams. Okay, everybody is saying that, but they keep uh putting out videos from from, uh, the government, uh, propaganda videos saying the storm pushed all that water up 30 feet with 30 inches of rain. They don't mention the dams, they don't mention the TVA or the government's responsibility at all, and that's criminal. They're just trying to protect the administration and trying to win an election. That's all they're trying to do.

Speaker 1:

But when people find out what happened here which is not the same as the storms in Florida, not the same at all it is a different situation. Okay, the floods in Appalachia were caused by dam failures, right, and by that I mean to also say not only the dams, the DAMs, but the DAMNs, government people running these things, failures. And once it all comes out and there are congressional investigations, you will see I was right. But take the report this way. It's free. This way you can see who was involved, who were the names of people involved, what the references are that I use? Where did I get all this information? It's all there in links. You can go back to those websites, find out who's running them. The information is available. The truth is there, you just have to let it in.

Speaker 1:

I am disgusted. I am upset because this is a crime against humanity, which is what I call the report, and the media is ignoring this crime. There should be Nuremberg trials about this, because I see that they are also obscuring the number of people that have died, which is in the thousands, not a couple of hundred. No, they're finding bodies all over the place. There's no way that you would have a couple of hundred if people don't get warning. And they're in the path of Niagara Falls, worth of water that lifts up their home off their foundations and moves it and cars are flooded.

Speaker 1:

People that had no idea this was going to happen, because they had no warning. They didn't idea this was going to happen. Because they had no warning, they didn't know it was going to happen. Of course, there's going to be thousands of people dead. Why are they hiding this information from people? Because of an election? Do they care at all about these people that died? No, of course, they didn't care about them when they went and spent the monies on green energy, which is basically money laundering. I don't see where these I'm trying to find out which green energies that the TVA invested in ended up on the flood. I want to see where they ended up, because I haven't found a single post of the green energy that they spent millions on. I haven't seen a post showing a windmill or a solar panel that they spent money on.

Speaker 1:

So read the report. It's damning. It's well-researched, I did a lot of work and I plan to update it. So I will continue posting about this until somebody listens. I know that Facebook is actively, actively shadowbanning me because I'm talking about this. I went on TikTok and they just won't let me post anymore because, like they do to everybody, what the residents are doing is they keep making different accounts to get in because they don't want to talk about this. Nobody wants to talk about what really happened. They don't want to talk about it because it doesn't look very good for the government. Bye-bye now. Check the report link. I have it on my page. It is pinned to the top of the page and it is on Amazon right now. I also have it on different places. Let me know what you think.